So why do we do it?
Truth is human food isn't all bad. In fact, it can even be beneficial for dogs! The trick is to know what human foods are good for Fido, and when you need to just stick to dog food. Just remember: Too much human food at once can be too much for your dog. Moderation is best!
Apples- Apples are good, with plenty of fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Apple slice help freshen the breath, which is a big win! Make sure to take out the seeds and core, because they can be choking hazards. You may want to try skinless apple slices, just in case.
Mint- A couple leaves of mint, spearmint, or peppermint sprinkled into the dog dish can help freshen your dog's breath and help with digestion.
Eggs- Eggs have a lot of protein, but also a LOT of fat. Though the occasional bite may not hurt anybody, it's best to just stay away.
Carrots- Carrots are high and fiber and chewing on them could be helpful for the teeth. I recommend slicing carrot slices while training your dog to do a trick. That way, you'll have multiple mini treats, and your dog will really WANT to sit!
Butter- Butter is a big no-no! fat is bad for dogs, so try to stay away from butter in general.
Onions- Pet Health Zone says "Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet's body to burst." Okay, so did anyone just shudder in horror there? I did. Let's just go ahead and say we shouldn't feed dogs onions.
Rice- Rice is pretty much okay for dogs. However, a lot of butter and salt mixed in isn't. came up with this recipe for cooking healthy rice for dogs:
1. Fill one cup of rice
2. Put (in) 4 cups of water
3. Boil for 20-30 minutes
4. When it's done boiling and has properly cooled off, take some and mix it with other dog food or meat and feed it to your dog
Garlic- Garlic is very toxic to cats and dogs.
Peanut butter- Peanut butter is too high in sugar to be healthy for your pup. Need a better alternative? has you covered! Click here for 5 Dog Friendly Alternatives to Peanut Butter.
That's all for know! Have a fantastic day!