Friday, December 30, 2016

What's Safe? What's Not?

Every dog owner wants their pup to be safe, and that includes eating safe foods. We all know is a bad idea:
  Image result for feeding dog underneath table
So why do we do it?
Truth is human food isn't all bad. In fact, it can even be beneficial for dogs! The trick is to know what human foods are good for Fido, and when you need to just stick to dog food. Just remember: Too much human food at once can be too much for your dog. Moderation is best!

Apples- Apples are good, with plenty of fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Apple slice help freshen the breath, which is a big win! Make sure to take out the seeds and core, because they can be choking hazards. You may want to try skinless apple slices, just in case.

Mint- A couple leaves of mint, spearmint, or peppermint sprinkled into the dog dish can help freshen your dog's breath and help with digestion.

Eggs- Eggs have a lot of protein, but also a LOT of fat. Though the occasional bite may not hurt anybody, it's best to just stay away.

Carrots- Carrots are high and fiber and chewing on them could be helpful for the teeth. I recommend slicing carrot slices while training your dog to do a trick. That way, you'll have multiple mini treats, and your dog will really WANT to sit!

Butter- Butter is a big no-no!  fat is bad for dogs, so try to stay away from butter in general.

Onions- Pet Health Zone says "Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic  anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet's body to burst." Okay, so did anyone just shudder in horror there? I did. Let's just go ahead and say we shouldn't feed dogs onions. 

Rice- Rice is pretty much okay for dogs. However, a lot of butter and salt mixed in isn't. came up with this recipe for cooking healthy rice for dogs:
1. Fill one cup of rice 
2. Put (in) 4 cups of water
3. Boil for 20-30 minutes

4. When it's done boiling and has properly cooled off, take some and mix it with other dog food or meat and feed it to your dog

Garlic- Garlic is very toxic to cats and dogs.

Peanut butter- Peanut butter is too high in sugar to be healthy for your pup. Need a better alternative? has you covered! Click here for 5 Dog Friendly Alternatives to Peanut Butter.

That's all for know! Have a fantastic day!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Selection by Kiera Cass

Image result for the selection

The Selection by Kiera Cass is about a beautiful girl named America. In Illéa, society is organized into castes, based on fame, wealth, power, etc. The first caste is the royal family; the second are inventors; Threes are doctors, dentists, writers, scientists, etc.; Fours are businessmen; Fives are actors, singers, painters, dancers, and circus performers; Sixes are inside workers, Sevens outside; and Eights Untouchables: homeless people, unwell people, addicts, and runaways. America is a Five, so there's hardly ever enough food to eat. Aspen is the one thing that keeps her going. But when a Selection is announced to find a wife for Prince Maxon, America's mother pressures her to enter. But America doesn't love Prince Maxon, she loves Aspen! But are America and Aspen really meant to be? Will rebel attacks prevail? Will Prince Maxon turn out to be not what America thought? 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Image result for awkward book

Awkward is about a girl named Penelope (Pippi). On the first day at her new school, her papers go flying everywhere. AWKWARD! Even more awkward? When a kind boy tries to help Pippi pick up her stuff, she pushes him aside.Ever since that terrible first day, she's been traumatized that the boy hates her. She tries to apologize, really she does! She just keeps chickening out. Besides, he's with the art club's greatest enemy . . . the science club!When the art club and science club battle for a school fair table, Pippi's caught in the crossfire! Can the art club win? Can Pippi apologize to the boy? Or will everything just be . . . AWKWARD? 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Sorry I haven't posted the last couple days, go ahead and blame it all on Christmas. Christmas! That's a word you just have to put an exclamation mark after.
So . . . how was your holidays? Does your family partake in any traditions? We eat the most amazing butterscotch coffee cake for breakfast while listening to the Christmas story. We open presents in the morning, and stockings in the afternoon. What order do you open presents in? Any funny stories? Tell us in comments! And then go enjoy your family this holiday season!

Monday, December 19, 2016

'Beautiful Blue World'

                                                           Beautiful Blue World by Suzanne LaFleur

'Beautiful Blue World' is a story of young Mathilde while Sofarende is at war. Her family does not have much to eat, and aerials often appear in the searchlights. An opportunity for Mathilde's safety is offered. If Mathilde passes an exam, she will be in charge of the army, who will do anything they can do to protect her. Or so they say. Her family will get lots of money, along with weekly pays, and she is a promised a university education later on. It could save her, but could kill her.
Mathilde knows she probably won't be chosen. She's the youngest in the age range of test takers, and her best friend Megs is brilliant. She decides to take the chance.
It's a strange test, and Mathilde passes. She's taken to a strange school, knowing she will not see her family or Megs again, and isn't allowed to even write to them.
The "school's" children play strange games at playtime and have odd assignments. Soon, Mathilde gets an unusual assignment of her own. Can she help stop the war?

Sunday, December 18, 2016

  Am I the only one who can read the books on my bookshelf over and over every night and never get tired of them? Is it so bad that I rotate between three books for read-alouds? Strawberry Shortcake and the Big Balloon Race never gets old!
  I know you can have bibliomania, but can you have oldbibliomania? Is that possible? Because if it is, I believe I have it. My social relations with the people reading these same books are being damaged.
  If you aren't a fellow old bibliomaniac, surely you just haven't read the right books. To help you out, I've listed a couple myself.
Image result for strawberry shortcake and the big balloon race

Strawberry Shortcake and the Big Balloon Race is a story with the classic Strawberry Shortcake. Strawberry and the other kids in Strawberryland celebrate the first harvest of strawberries with a big balloon race, but the evil Purple Pieman and his birds try to steal their crop!

                                                              Image result for frances bread and jam

Bread and jam for Frances is about young Frances who won't eat anything but bread and jam. So her parents hatch a plan. Can Frances live on bread and jam forever? (This is a good book to read to picky eaters.

                       Image result for the patch book        Image result for the princess who wore glasses

The Princess Who Wore Glasses and The Patch are both books about girls with glasses or eye patches. The Princess Who Wore Glasses is about Princess Liana, who the queen and king find out can't see very far away. Liana can't see the birds in the tree or the stars in the sky! Liana's parents want to help her, so they take her to see the court magician, who gives her a stunning pair of glasses. The Patch features Becca, who has amblyopia, or lazy eye, and must wear an eye patch and glasses. Dismayed and embarrassed, Becca tells adventurous tales to her friends about why she's wearing them instead of the real reason. After reading these books, you'll find eye patches and glasses aren't so bad after all!

                                            Image result for ruthie and the not so tiny lie

In Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie, Ruthie LOVES teeny tiny treasures. One day at recess, when Ruthie was twirling on the twirling bar, she spotted an minuscule camera. Ruthie adores it! But her classmate, Martin, claims it's his! Laura Rankin says it perfectly: "But Ruthie wanted that teeny tiny camera in the worst way." So she lies. A little one. Or is it?

These are just a couple! What are the books you read over and over? Tell us in comments!


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Bridge to Terabithia: The Movie

Image result for bridge to terabithia
The movie Bridge to Terabithia, starring AnnaSophia Robb and Josh Hutcherson

 The movie Bridge to Terabithia is rated PG. The Goodreads review of the book says, "Jess Aarons' greatest ambition is to be the fastest runner in his grade. He's been practicing all summer and can't wait to see his classmates' faces when he beats them all. But on the first day of school, a new girl boldly crosses over to the boys' side and outruns everyone. That's not a very promising beginning for a friendship, but Jess and Leslie Burke become inseparable. Together they create Terabithia, a magical kingdom in the woods where the two of them reign as king and queen, and their imaginations set the only limits." It's pretty kid-friendly, but there is a death, so you may need to prepare the younger watchers. Our class read the book before watching the movie, so that's an option as well. Bridge to Terabithia is a terrific movie, great for a pizza and movie night!

Friday, December 16, 2016

                                                          Image result

Ever since I checked this out from the library, I've read it many times, picking out my favorite scenes and witty conversations. A good book is a book that you can enjoy while you read, but a great book is a book that you can enjoy over and over again.
Nola has been neighbors with the Swift boys forever, but she's still never told them she saw their daddy leave. Nola and the boys, chatty Kevin, serious, but always allowing her to tag along Brian, and her best friend Canaan, have always been great friends. But after Mr. Swift leaves, Brian too leaves home, Canaan starts hanging out with a couple of bullies, Kevin stops talking, and Nola sets out on quest to find their dad. Will Mr. Swift come home? Will Nola find Brian? Will Kevin start talking again? And will Nola ever get her best friend back?
The Swift Boys & Me is an enthralling story that will surely sweep you off your feet.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Don't Throw the Pen Away Yet!

It's a beautiful day . . . I played in the snow a couple days ago  . . . the sun is smiling . . . I'm smiling . . . I WON NANOWRIMO!
*pant, pant* Isn't it wonderful? I wrote a total of 22, 788 words, which is a LOT for me. Who else did it? Whether you won or not, there's something about wiping that smirk off the graph that says you  have a long while to go. And you participants did go a long, long way. 
Every day of November, I sat down at the computer and wrote. Sometimes words plunked out every minute or two and sometimes it was fast and furious. But I wrote.
Now that it's December, I haven't been writing. I'll do the occasional school writing assignment and, you know, there's always Christmas cards. But I haven't really been writing. I mean, come on, it's Christmas time! At least, that's the excuse the little voice in my head tells me. So how do I, in the middle of all that chaos, really write?
One thing that really kept me going in November was goals. Goals that everyone would be asking me if I reached, people I would hate to tell them that I failed, to hear their sympathetic coos. Because sympathetic has the word pathetic in it, and I would feel pathetic. And who likes that? So here's the deal: we are going to push through together. In this week, write a short story. Write a confession. Write a poem. Write a pep talk. Write. 
Another great thing with NaNoWriMo was that people were encouraging me. People online, my family, and everyone I could possibly tell what I was doing. So encourage each other! In the comments, tell each other success stories, failures you learned from, and just plain encouragement. 'Cause us writers need someone to rally us on. Be that someone like someone else was for you! 
Don't stare at the computer screen any longer. Go write!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

"Tools and Turf"

I read in a writing book that it is very important to have the right "tools and turf" when you write. K. M. Weiland wrote a wonderful blog post titled 20 Christmas Gifts for Writers That Should Be On Your List, which includes some truly awesome gifts, including desk foot hammocks, a note dashboard for your computer, and Jane Austen socks. Christmas is coming up, so get out there and put a foot heaven device on your wish list!
km-weiland-avatarK. M. Weiland has written many books, including Dreamlander, which is currently free on Amazon.

Monday, December 12, 2016

How To Improve Writing Elementary School Style Part 2

Hi! I'm back today with a How To Improve Writing Elementary School Style Part 2. Today, we're going to be exploring figurative language and different types of sentences. Get ready to rock and roll!

Different Types of Sentences

Take a look at these two excerpts. 

"I don't know why you thought it was okay."
"I made a mistake. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well, I don't think we can be friends anymore."
"Drama queen. I want a soda."

"I don't know why you thought it was okay!"
"I know! I know! I made a mistake! I'm sorry! Now can you please get over it?"
"Yeah, well, I don't think we can be friends anymore."
"Drama queen. Now get me a soda."

Which one is more interesting to read? The second one, right? What do you think makes it so? One reason could be different kinds of sentences. Take a look at these different kinds:
1. Interrogative
2. Declarative
3. Exclamatory
4. Imperative

If you're going whaaaat, hang on! Let's break this down. Interrogative is the question sentence, like: "Now can you please get over it?" Hmm . . . let's see what could help us remember . . . cake! What would you do if you were at a birthday party and someone announced that you were going to eat interrogative cake, instead of vanilla or chocolate? Ask questions, right? That can help you remember that interrogative (cake) has questions. A declarative sentence is a statement. Often, writing can tend to be lots and lots of declarative sentences, like the first example did. You need to have a variety! Some examples of declarative sentences are: "Yeah, well, I don't think we can be friends anymore," and "Drama queen." Do you know why "Now get me a soda" is NOT a declarative sentence? Because it's imperative! Not all sentences that end with a period are declarative. Do you know anyone bossy? An employee or friend? Maybe it is yourself! People who are sometimes bossy like to be in charge and sometimes they give commands. An imperative sentence is a command. It doesn't matter if you say please, if your mom is telling you to clean up your room, or if you are on your knees and begging. It's still declarative! Picking apart these two sentences can be a little tricky. Have you ever asked two people the same thing and got two of the same kind of answers? Well, that could be just the thing to help you remember.  If you were asking them about wanting an apple, the conversation could go like this:

Donald Declarative:
"Yeah. Apples are nice. I really want one." 
Izzy Imperative:
"Ooohh . . . please get one."
The difference between the two are that Donald Declarative is simply stating facts- he wants an apple. Izzy Imperative, however, is asking you to go get her one. Exclamatory sentences get excited! Often, they end in exclamation points! Like! I! Am! Right! Now! Can't you just see this sentence jumping up and down on a pogo stick? An example of exclamatory sentences from our example are: "I know! I know! I made a mistake!" A sentence to help you remember this could be: "Edna Exclamatory is often in fits of ecstasy."

Want to practice more? Print a worksheet, lesson, and other printables here for some more practice.

Figurative Language

There are lots of figurative language. Today, we are going to be discussing similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, idioms, and hyperboles. You ready?

Section 1: Similes and Metaphors
Similes and metaphors both compare one thing to another. However, a metaphor says that the thing we are comparing to something else is that thing, while simile compares it using "like" or "as." If we were comparing a hot day at the beach to the Sahara desert, a metaphor would say something like: "The Saturday morning at the beach was the Sahara desert." Our clue that this is a metaphor instead of a simile is the word was. The words was and is are key words for metaphors. If it was a simile, it could say something like: "The Saturday morning at the beach was like the Sahara desert." Our clue that this is a simile is the word like. Like and as are key words for similes. 

Section 2: Personification
Look at the word personification closely. What do you see? If you just try to pronounce it like it's spelled, you'll say "person." That's because we are turning the item we are talking about into a "person!" Let's pretend we were talking about the wind. "The wind blew around us" is boring. "The wind danced and spun around us, knocking us off our feet" is an example of personification and sounds more interesting.

Section 3: Onomatopoeia
Though "onomatopoeia" is a big word, you've heard it a lot of times before. Onomatopoeia are sound words, like BAM!, POP!, and hiss. Onomatopoeia is a great way to start stories and chapters. 

Section 4: Idioms and Hyperboles
Hyperboles are exaggerations. "The speech went on forever" and "I have a billon things to do" are both examples of hyperboles. Of course it isn't true, but it can make reading more fun for your audience. 
Idioms are not like exaggerations, they actually don 't mean what they say. "Penny for your thoughts" doesn't mean they're actually going to give you a penny if you tell them what you're thinking (if it did, we'd make them change it to a dollar), it means they want to know what you are thinking.

Figurative language is a terrific way to make your writing more fun to read!

Hope you enjoyed the post! Tell me in the comments what you think. I love hearing back from my readers!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Three!Three! by Tia Perkin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great (and very realistic) book about whats it's like to spend a day with a 3 year old. I'm amazed Tia Perkins could write this with THREE three year olds. Whew.
It was a very sweet, funny book that makes for a wonderful read aloud. I especially liked the part where the mom tells the boy no more water in the tub and when the dad steps on the little red train. We all know those stories! I got this as a free book for an honest review. This is a quick read good for younger children. Overall, great book!

Monday, October 24, 2016

How to Improve Writing Elementary School Style Part 1

Are you an aspiring author with thousands of rejection letters and wondering how to make your writing interesting? Are you published and bored? Are you simply trying to improve your writing for all those avid readers out there? Well, going right back to some elementary school lessons may be right for you! Today, we're going to try to help you improve your writing! Let's get started!

Point of View
To kick this section off, let's start with some ice cream. No better way to celebrate something, right? Here's our writing prompt: Write a sentence or two about a girl and her father liking ice cream. OK, if you've written one, go ahead and look at my examples below.
1. My dad and I love ice cream!
2. You and your father love the taste of ice cream!
3. Katie loved ice cream, and her father said he did, too, but she wasn't sure.
4. Katie loved ice cream, but her father only pretended to because he wanted to spend time with her.
Now, decide which one your sentence was most like. 

If your sentence was most like the first one:

Congratulations! You wrote in first person! Some good books written in first person are Rick Riordan's First Percy Jackson Book, The Lightning ThiefThe Thing About Leftovers, and Prom and Prejudice. First person uses words such as I, we, or us. First person is a terrific way to write because you can really tap into your character's emotions and thoughts. Though writing in first person is great, make sure to check out other points of views!

If your sentence was most like the second one:

Yay! You've written it in second person! (This blog is also written in second person.) If you want to learn some great strengths of writing in second person, read the helpful post here. Second person is talking to the reader, often saying you. But don't stop here! Check out this list of  Popular Books Written in Second Person, and remember to try writing in other points of views. We're all here to grow as authors!

If your sentence was most like the third one:

Hip, hip, hooray! You've written a wonderful style called third person limited. Third person limited is like first person as it explores the character's thoughts and feelings, but uses the character's name instead of I. Some great books written in third person are The Giver and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(and the rest of the Harry Potter series). Don't limit yourself! Try ALL the points of view.

If your sentence was most like the fourth one:

Let's go! You write in a style called third person omniscient. Third person omniscient is like third person limited, but you can hear multiple peoples' insights. Here is a terrific post with some really wonderful insights on writing in this style. Some sensational books written in this point of view are The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson BurnettThe Last Holiday Concert by Andrew Cements, and Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine. If you really like tapping into characters' thoughts, try writing in first and third person. Second person may be a tremendous challenge as well.

Imagery and Description
Often, good writing could become great writing by adding just a little more imagery and description. To kick things off, I'll give you two paragraphs. On the second one, I'll rewrite the first paragraph using the imagery and description tactic. Then I'll give you a couple more paragraphs, and you can try rewriting them on your own. Let's get started!

Example Paragraph 1:
Joyce walked into her parents' bedroom. No one was there. She went to the dresser. What secrets lay inside? She reached out to touch it. Suddenly, an alarm sounded behind her!

Example Paragraph 2:
Joyce crept into her parents' coral bedroom. No one was there. She strode purposely to the dark oak dresser. What hidden secrets lay inside? She hesitantly reached out to touch it. Suddenly, an ear-piercing alarm blared behind her!

So much better, right? Let's take a look at why it sounds so much better. I'm going to put all that stupendous imagery and description in bold for you to see.

Example Paragraph 2:

Joyce crept into her parents' coral bedroom. No one was there. She strode purposely to the dark oak dresser. What hidden secrets lay inside? She hesitantly reached out to touch it. Suddenly, an ear-piercing alarm blared behind her!

Get the trick? Just little word choices make great writing go round! Now, try it on your own. Please post your rewritten paragraphs in the comments. It is so much fun to read what you guys write!

1. Will couldn't believe this was happening! He walked up and took his ribbon from the principal. On his way down the steps, he fell flat on his face! The audience laughed.

2. I like popcorn! It is crunchy and buttery. My mom makes it every Sunday night, and I never get sick of it. Now that I have braces and can't have popcorn, I am so sad!

3. Allie did not want to move. She'd be leaving all her friends behind! She cried and was sad for days. Her father didn't like to see Allie so unhappy, but he had taken this job offer. Besides, they'd live in a pretty new house.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day! I'll be back with a How To Improve Writing Elementary School Style Part 2 soon!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

National Novel Writing Month

HOORAY! This year I'm going to write a novel in a month! There are two really cool websites: NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and Young Author's Program NaNoWriMo. You'll update your word count, make friends, work in workbooks (Young Authors Program), go to special events (adult NaNoWriMo and it is optional), and listen to pep talks! Try it out with me!

Search ResulHOORA

Friday, October 21, 2016

Terrific Quotes

I just picked up a copy of Heather Vogel Fredrick's Home for the Holidays. She always starts every chapter with a quote from the book that the Mother-Daughter Book Club is reading. So, I thought that I would gather some terrific quotes for you, just like she does. Let's get started, because after all, "Whenever you read . . . somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light." ~ Vera Nazarian

"You are most powerful when you are silent. People never expect silence. They expect words, motion, defense, offense, back and forth. They except you to leap into the fray. They are ready, fists up, words hanging from their mouths. Silence? No."
~Alison McGhee (All Rivers Flow To The Sea)

"A dog is the only thing in the world that loves you more than he loves himself."
~Josh Billings (also known as Henry Wheeler Shaw)

"Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don't rent them out to tomorrow."
~Jerry Spinelli (Stargirl)

Well, that's all for now! Have a great rest of your day!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Get Up & Go

Hi everyone! I've decided to make a post all about how to make it easier to get up and go in the morning (who doesn't hate Mondays???). Please post a comment! I love hearing what you think.

   Everyone's heard that breakfast's the most important meal of the day somewhere or another, but groggy mornings can make it easy to give into the Fruit Loop temptation. I went on a quick little search for a healthy, nut-free breakfast smoothie. Click here for a nut-free Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie from
    Experts think the following make the healthiest breakfast:

  1.       Veggie Omelet with Berries
  2.       Sprouted Grain Toast  with Almond Butter (if you are a beginner, or just someone with no      clue what Sprouted Grain Toast is, try just your regular toast)
  3.       Fresh Fruit and a Glass of Milk
  4.       Greek Yogurt, Walnut and Banana Blend
  5.       Fruit and Veggie Smoothie
  6.       Oatmeal with Cottage Cheese
We also found: delicious yet healthy and filling Brownie Batter Chocolate Overnight Oats.

Also good for you; 
  Coffee! Registered dietitian and author of The Flexitarian Diet, Dawn Jackson Blatner recommends around 16 ounces of coffee a day to decrease the risk of diabetes and dementia. Studies have also found that coffee-drinkers may be less depressed, have a decreased risk of cancer, and a smaller chance of a stroke.
   Almonds and Cranberries Eating foods rich in omega-3s like almonds can decrease muscle soreness and risk of injury. Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants, which counteract oxidant stress that happens during an intense workout.
   Chocolate A recent study found that eating dessert in the morning can help dieters lose weight.

The Miracle Hairbrush
     Lots of tangles? Don't worry! The miracle hairbrush is on the way! I got a WetbrushPro (WetBrushes work great, too) for Christmas and it was wonderful! My hair was nice and smooth all day, and the hairbrush just glided through my hair. For the first time in forever, I actually WANTED to brush my hair!

Sleep      No Snooze
Do you ever feel like hitting the snooze button on your alarm is the only thing that's getting you through the day? Actually, it's probably the thing that's wearing you down. You're just getting a couple of minutes that are NOT deep sleep, and are NOT helpful. If you know that you're probably going to have about 10 minutes of snooze-button sleep, just set your alarm 10 minutes later and you'll LOVE the difference.

      Who Turned Off The Lights?
As soon as you wake up in the morning, turn on a light or open a window. It helps you wake up, and if you're by sunlight, it'll makes you feel even happier.

     I'm not going to tell you if you need to wear your gold or silver bracelet to that job interview on Tuesday. I am going to tell you that before you crash tonight, it might be a good idea to lay out your clothes. It'll take away some of the stress in the morning.

I hope you had a great time reading these helpful hints and that you got something from this. Thank you for reading!


Heather Vogel Fredrick October Giveaway!

Yay, yay, yay! Heather Vogel Fredrick is having a GIVEAWAY! Oh, wow. That should get a theme song or something.  Heather Vogel Fredrick is celebrating October by giving away your choice of her books for free! This is super simple, just post a comment telling her what book you would like and why.  Just click on this link! A winner will be chosen randomly on midnight October, 18. Have a great October, and be sure to check out the giveaway!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Review: Mama Seeton's Whistle

Mama Seeton's Whistle Mama Seeton's Whistle by Jerry Spinelli
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"The first whistle happened one day when Skippy Seeton was two years old. Mama Seeton came to the back door to call him in for dinner. He wasn't there. Mama Seeton was puzzled. From the kitchen window, she had been watching him play. She stepped into the backyard and called again. No one came. Mama Seeton was worried."
Every once in a while, even adults feel the urge to come back to the classic, heart-warming picture book. Well, Mama Seeton's Whistle is at the top of them all! One evening, Mama Seeton comes to the back door to call Skippy Seeton in for supper. He isn't there. Mama Seeton was anxious. Where was her little two year old? So Mama Seeton let out a whistle. It wasn't loud or fancy. Just a plain two-note whistle. And suddenly Skippy felt the urge to pop out from behind Mama Seeton and call, "I'm here, Mama!"
So then, every day, Mama Seeton would whistle her simple, two-note whistle and Skippy Seeton would come in for dinner and a chocolate cake. Then Skippy Seeton and Sheldon Seeton would run in for dinner and that chocolate cake. And then Stewart Seeton joined them. And then, finally, A sister followed-Sophie! They all came bounding in from their adventures, waiting for that cake! And they had adventures!
Skippy snacked on mulberries from his favorite mulberry tree and Sheldon visited his father downtown (he was a driver for Radio Taxi). Stewart made friends with the monkeys in the zoo and Sophie ran. She just loved to run!
Then the kids grew up, as kids do. And they were too far away to come home for supper every night and eat up a chocolate cake. Mama Seeton still baked those chocolate cakes, but only once a week. And she didn't whistle.
Mama Seeton was very sad. She sat thinking wistfully of the good ol' days when her children were home. She did not touch her dinner. Papa Seeton noticed.
" He helped her up from her chair and led her to the back door. "Okay," he said. "Whistle." She gave him a look. "Are you goofy?" "Not at all," he said. "If you pretend it's the old days, maybe you'll feel a little better." So Mama Seeton whistled. She had to try three times, for she was out of practice. The whistle was not loud. It was not fancy. Just a simple, two-note whistle."
Then all the Seeton kids come running home, right into Mama Seeton's arms! They chattered and ate chocolate cake, just like the old days, and she was joyful Mama Seeton again.
Aww! This is such a sweet book! I recommend it to all ages.*
*Warning- This book may make you cry. Keep out of reach of sentimental people.

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Best Blogs by Authors

Hi! Today we wanted to share with you some of our favorite authors' blogs. We learn so much from them!

Gail Carson Levine's Blog

Gail Carson Levine is the author of Ella Enchanted, Dave at Night, The Two Princesses of Bamarre, Fairest, A Tale of Two Castles, and more. She runs a mostly writing blog, talking about anything and everything to help readers' writing. A cool thing about her blog is that she answers questions from readers they post on her blog. Another cool thing about posting a question on her blog is that other readers can help answer your question, too! That way you get lots and lots of advice. Check out Gail Carson Levine's blog today!

Heather Vogel Fredrick's Blog

Heather Vogel Fredrick is the author of the Mother Daughter Book Club series, the Spy Mice series, The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed  book, Absolutely Truly, numerous picture books, and more. Her blog is full to the brim with author inspiration and giveaways. Heather Vogel Fredrick also tries to answer ALL reader mail that comes her way, so be sure to write her!

Middle Grade Ninja: Robert Kent's blog

Middle Grade Ninja is author Robert Kent's blog. Robert Kent has written the middle grade novels Banneker Bones and the Giant Robot Bees and the young adult novel All Together Now: A Zombie Story. Even though it's Robert Kent's blog, he has a lot of help! Guest authors write blog posts for him on a multitude of things: Turning a Video Game into a Series (with Adventure and Meaning)Are Authors . . . Mentally Unstable?Showing Children Our World( Good and Bad) Through Books; the amazing 7 questions for agents, editors, and authors; book reviews; and more. Be sure to check out his blog, it's really thousands of authors' blogs!

Skila Brown's Blog

Skila Brown is the author of Caminar, To Stay Alive, and Slickety Quick: Poems about Sharks. Skila Brown writes a blog full of photo inspiration, her daily life, her books' progress, and so much more! I had the pleasure of meeting Skila; she is such a sweet lady! Her books are great too, so be sure to check out her blog today!

Hope you enjoyed this post! Be sure to check out these blogs. Have a great day!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Review: Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book

Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book by Johanna Basford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a great adult coloring book! Usually it's hard for me to stay coloring one picture to its finish, but this book kept me captivated. The drawings are great, complex and simple and the same time. It was so much fun to have a treasure hunt AND coloring book all in one! I would recommend to anyone above age 7, not just adults! Small children may also enjoy coloring in small portions.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Review: A Million Ways Home

A Million Ways Home A Million Ways Home by Dianna Dorisi Winget
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Poppy Parker's holding on. She's holding on to the hope that her Grandma Beth will come out of the Huckleberry Home soon. She's was in the hospital for a while, and they just moved her to the Huckleberry Home. Poppy knows Grandma's really fine, she just NEEDS to visit her. They have to stick together! After both Poppy's parents were killed by some terrorist thing, Grandma Beth and her have been inseparable. So now Poppy's living at the Home for kids. Ms. Austin, her social worker, won't take her to the Huckleberry Home till tomorrow, however. So Poppy sets out to the home by herself. On the way, she becomes lost. A kind cashier pays for Poppy's candy bar at a gas station. All Poppy wants is to be with Grandma Beth at their apartment. However, a crime at the gas station is going to make that a whole lot harder! Can Poppy and her new friends find the culprit to the gas station crime, help Grandmother Beth recover, AND help save a special dog?
This is such a great book. I cried four times at the ending, it was so good.

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Friday, September 16, 2016

Review: 30 Days of No Gossip

30 Days of No Gossip 30 Days of No Gossip by Stephanie Faris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Maddie and Vi are best friends. Actually, they're sisters. They've spent enough time together to be! Maddie and Vi are practically joined at the hip . . . or so Maddie thinks. They're the absolutely ONLY people who know about Vi's secret crush, except that Maddie just told Vi's crush. He probably likes her! He just needed a little prodding, you know? Except Vi isn't a fan. She deems it gossip and tells Maddie she can't be her friend anymore because she gossips way too much. Maddie writes Troy Tattler, the school's gossip paper, and talks about people with her friends. That isn't so bad, right? But Vi seems to think so. Maddie is ready to do ANYTHING to save the friendship. So Vi grants her a challenge: 30 days of no gossip and the friendship is on. If not, they're not friends. Can Maddie handle that?

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Review: All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook

All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook by Leslie Connor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wanna know why teeny, tiny Surprise, Nebraska is called Surprise? Surprise gets snow and lots of it. When winter fades away and the snow melts, people find things. Things like keys, dolls, things people never knew they lost. That's what Big Ed tells all the new residents.
11 year old Perry T. Cook lives on the Inside. He lives in the Blue River Correctional Facility with his mother, Jessica Cook. They were granted special permission from Warden Daugherty. They always knew they were lucky. They're SO close to being able to move out to the Outside. Everyone has been able to overlook it. Until now. Thomas Vanleer is the eager new district attorney, ready to please the itty, bitty town of Surprise, Nebraska. When he learns the shocking truth, that Perry and his mother Jessica were never separated, he pounces. It's a big case. A lot of attention. It also will give Vanleer a lot of much-wanted publicity. He immediately "rescues" Perry from Blue River and, blaming the wimpy foster care system, takes Perry home with him. Perry is shocked when he finds out his best friend Zoey is Vanleer's step-daughter! Vanleer claims he wants the best for Perry, but he cuts visiting hours with Perry's mom short and draws unwanted attention to the situation of Perry's living quarters for the past 11 years. Thank goodness for Vanleer's beloved wife, Robyn! Perry also has trouble at school. Brian Morris and his gang won't leave him alone ever since Perry beat Brian in the mile run! Perry, the Blue River residents, and his new friends are working toward Jessica OUT of Blue River. But along the way, Perry is given a school project that may just uncover the truth . . .

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Review: Paper Things

Paper Things Paper Things by Jennifer Richard Jacobson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I feel that a lot of the books out there have the same theme ( disability, bullying, etc.). Don't blame me, they're great books! But it's just so interesting to have a whole new character with a whole new background that still totally changes your take on a subject. I would recommend this book to 4th grade to middle school readers.
Arianna (Ari) Hazard is a shiny, gifted and talented student with a best friend Sasha. But her life isn't all shiny. She doesn't have a mother or father, just a bossy guardian Janna and an older brother Gage. Gage can't stand Janna! Finally, he decide it's time to live his life and get away from Janna. When faced with the choice of either staying with Janna or Gage, Ari picks Gage. Who can blame her? It was practically her mom's dying wish that Gage and Ari stay together! The only problem is, Gage doesn't really have an apartment. He doesn't even have a real job. So Gage and Ari move from place to place, staying at friends' houses, storage units, and shelters. It's a lot of stress, especially because Ari hasn't told anyone. Her grades are dropping and so are her teacher's expectations, Sasha's seems to be drifting away from her, and Gage still hasn't found an apartment or job. Her mom always wanted her to go to Carter, a school for the gifted. Based on what's happening right now, there doesn't seem to be much chance of that! Through all that chaos, Ari hold on to her Paper Things, a folder full of paper doll families cut out from magazines. With her new friend David, can Ari and her Paper Things survive that?

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Monday, September 12, 2016

Review: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have read this with my mom and sister, with my third grade class, and several times on my own. I loved it every time! This thrilling and highly humorous book is the story of true Christmas; the boring Christmas pageant turned upside down. Every neighborhood has the troublemaking kids nobody likes. But if you haven't seen the Herdmans, you haven't seen anything! They don't have a dad with them, and their mom barely ever sticks around. And for a good reason too! They lie, cheat, steal, burn down buildings, smoke cigars, and beat up kids. They also took over the Christmas Pageant.
This book is very funny, and will change your whole perspective of Christmas and all the troublemaking kids out there.

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Review: The Sleepover

The Sleepover The Sleepover by Jen Malone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a book! I'm a big fan of Jen Malone. Meghan has a bad history with sleepovers. Even when she's with her best friends Paige and Anne Marie, she's never been able to make it through lights-out before. She's 12 now, and determined to make it through the night. Even though Paige and Anne Marie try to convince her the birthday sleepover's going to be "epic," Meghan can't stop thinking about her strict parents' rules AND her super-secret-crush Jake who's a little bit of a rebel AND next door. When she arrives, however, the girls' plans are flipped upside down. Anne Marie's new step-sister Veronica is coming! Veronica's homeschooled, goofy, socially awkward, and doesn't understand anything regular 12 year olds do. She also sneezes in sevens and plays unicycle floor hockey. Catch my drift? Veronica does make a point in their favor however . . . or so they think. Veronica's birthday present to Anne Marie is a hypnotist! They think it's so cool! Well, until they wake up with silly string everywhere, baby chicks in the bathtub, a missing school mascot, no Anne Marie, and Jake's jacket on the scene. Wait, what? And the worst thing of all, no one remembers anything about last night. An epic night just got a whole lot crazier.

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Lousia May Alcott Fever

     Hello everyone! I'm here today with- surprise, surprise!- another book review. Well, book reviewS, actually. I, as many of you are, am obsessed with Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. You kindred spirits can probably easily imagine my delight when my aunt sent my sister and me a stack of books, including Good Wives, the sequel to Little Women. Imagine my even greater delight to, after finishing Good Wives, finding the third book in the series, Little Men. Imagine my greatest delight of all to find a fourth book, Jo's Boys, which a librarian actually had to dig out from the archives in the basement. Anything for Alcott, right? So much delight!!!

     So, I am giving you book reviews on Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men, AND Jo's Boys. I hope you have just as fun of a time reading these books as I did!


Grown-up Meg, boyish Jo, timid Beth, and dainty Amy couldn't be more different. But in hard times with Father at war and Marmee working hard, the girls must rely on one another. Whether it's putting on a play, celebrating Christmas, or forming a secret society, life is certainly never dull with the March girls around.


It's now the time for the beloved March girls to begin to make their own name in the world. Through marriages, girlish fancies, and scrapes, the girls must find the marvelous things they have dreamed of doing themselves. When tragedy occurs, the girls must turn for comfort in each other and their homes.


With two young boys of her own and twelve rescued orphan boys all living at her school Plumfield, Jo March- now Mrs. Bhaer- is happier than ever. But the boys have a tendency for getting in scrapes and Mr. and Mrs. Bhaer have certainly have their hands full.


A whole ten years after Plumfield was founded, Jo's boys are now growing up and discovering more about the world. But life after childhood can be terribly confusing, and it is only Jo and the March family who can comfort and guide the young men when they need it most.

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day!